2015年4月10日 星期五

翻譯範例:論文摘要 (二) 大眾傳播 (節錄)



 Because of the prevailing of ADSL and the advancement of digital technology, IPTV has gradually developed and changed the traditional mode of TV watching from passively accepting the given content to actively choosing the preferred content via the Internet TV service. Currently, the numbers of IPTV users is 1.6 million households and the penetration rate is approximately 19.8%. According to the vision of developmental policy of Executive Yuan, the penetration rate of IPTV users will be 50% in 2015 regarding the fast development of multimedia communication vehicle, the continual perfection and management of new video platform, and the policy which encourages new media entrepreneurship.
    Furthermore, due to the increasing need for program content, analog contents are being rapidly switched to digital contents, thus causing more competition of the media market. Therefore, understanding the users’ preference in choices becomes very crucial. Due of the current multi-media platform development, the audience’s viewing time becomes fragmented. To attract the audience, the television service must investigate more thoroughly the audience’s preference with different facilities. Studies shows that VOD (Video On Demand) viewing behavior differs from Direct Video Viewing in many aspects. In current market of audience measurement, Nielsen Media Research Company primarily focuses on Direct Video Viewing service. Although the measurement service has included the Chunghwa MOD in 2012, only the data of NextTV and ELTA TV are openly available. Moreover, the analysis only focuses on direct viewing, lacking data from VOD viewing. There is an emergent need for researches to study the particular preference of VOD program viewing for IPTV users. 

